I wanted to thank you for all your hard work on the website recently - I think you were amazing. Its up and live & I am pleased with it.

Jane Williams, Follow My Lead

That site is the best valeting website online thanks to you... will definitely be recommending you to my customers ( but not to valeters. ha)

Steve Stanley, Bubbles Carwash

A recent crash of our web site could have gone badly for us because our restore failed. After working on the problem by ourselves for some hours, we turned to the Dots and Coms team; their immediate help had us up and running quickly and with no fuss whatsoever. Fantastic service. Thank you !

Steve Brand, SGSA Ltd, UK

I expect you have finished for the day. I just wanted to have a chat to personally thank you for you help and co-operation in setting up the website. It seems we've been on a long road but we got there in the end. I'll contact you on Monday and hopefully we can set up a call for a short chat.

Naresh Chouhan,
Sapphire Accounting, UK